The restaurant is open all year round. Situated in Martutene, a neighbourhood of San Sebastian, Barkaiztegi cider house started making cider in the 17th century. Part of the apples used come from its own crop and the rest come from Galicia or France. At present, produces around 200 000 liters per year.
Meals and dinners
In season (January – April): Dinners every day. Closed on Sundays and holidays. Meals in the restaurant.
Out of season (May – December): Restaurant open all year round to meals and dinners.
Capacity: 100 people
Additional information
Adress: Barkaiztegi Baserria. Barkaiztegi pasealekua, 42. Donostia-San Sebastian.
Telf.: 943451304
Fax.: 943474583