Where to stay

Accommodation in the Cider Country

Agritourism Arraspiñe

Santio Mendi 695 757 341 / 943 331 319

Agritourism Artola

Iraultza bidea, 9 (Santiago mendi) 637 035 679

Hotel Sagarlore

Petritegi Bidea, 3 843 931 000

Municipal hostel of Santiagomendi

Santio Zeharra s/n 943 556 727 / 943 335 061

Pension Astigarraga

Oialume, 28 943 311 600 / 688 611 600

Pension Beizama

Plaza Ergobia, 12 943 550 042 / 665 144 205

Pension Txingurri

Donostia Ibilbidea, 90 943476 074 - 681 334 359

Aldagaia Apartments

Portu auzoa, 9 639 992 230

Apartamentos Florida 30

Florida Auzoa, 30 690 943 393

Belazarte Country House

Pagoaga, 10 943 331 569

Hotel Txintxua

Zikuñaga Bailara, 72 943 331 750

Pardiola Country House

Osinaga auzoa, 29 943 333 679

Pension Arrobi

Santa Barbara auzoa, 87 943 337 211 / 629 991 476

Pension Zinkoenea

Mayor, 57 – 1ª 670 390 897

Agritourism Arratzain

Caserio Arratzain Bide, 21 943 366 663

Agritourism Ibarrola Txiki

Kale Zahar, 62 943 363 007 / 664 471 766

Agritourism Illumbe Goikoa

Txoko aldea, 41 666 884 901 / 943 361 436 / 943 363 007

Agritourism Karobi

Camino de Petritza, s/n, Bº Zubieta 943 360 635 / 605 704 813 / 635 721 681

Agritourism Zabalea

San Esteban (N-634 Pk. 4) 630 562 588

Barazar Country House

Barazar kalea, Bº Zubieta 943 363 358 / 678 188 818

Hotel Aginaga

Aginaga, 31 943 370 668

Hotel Atxega Jauregia

Osiña kalea – Aitzezarra kalea 943 376 666

Irigoyen Country House

Petritza bidea, 4, Bº Zubieta 943 366 799

Troya Country House

Kale-zahar, 34 667 886 414 / 667 232 300

Usasku Berri Apartments

Bº Kale Zahar, 58 943 361 195

Agritourism Kostegi

Barrio Oztaran 30 D 943 365 688 / 686 343 452

Agritourism Montefrio

Goiburu Bailara, 46 tlf: 943557158 / 679667934 / 609937455

Altzibar Berri Country House

Goiburu, 33 943 557 097

Casa Rural Etzabalzar

Barrio Lategui, 25 620 028 736

Enbutegi Country House

Bº Goiburu, 2 943 553 797 / 628 523 922

Hotel K10

Zona Industrial Erratzu 943 337 357

Hotel Ler Argi

Otzaran, 15 943 331 334

Hotel Villa de Urnieta

Dendaldegi 943 333 866

Pension Babes

Idiazabal kalea 663270830

Pension Guria

C/ Idiazabal 46-48 bajo 943 005 650 / 688 638 471

Pension Oianume

Barrio Ergoien, 18 943 556 683 / 943 332 505

Pensión Txoko Maitea

M. Yurramendi 2 690 040 511

Residencia Pake-Leku

Barrio Ergoien, 6 659 565 360

Agritourism and country houses

The association dedicated to agritourism in Euskadi. Here you will find most charming rural style accommodations. In the following link, there is a special selection of rural houses for the Cider Country with several possibilities, from renting a room to being able to enjoy the whole house, the best option to go with friends or family.

See accommodation

Accommodation in Donostia-San Sebastian

Without a doubt the city of Donostia-San Sebastian has the most options and hotel variety. Hotels, pensions, tourist apartments, campsites, etc. The number of beds grows every year and it is a feasible option because it is very well connected with the cider towns and the Cider Country.

See accommodation

Did you know...

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Urumea valley was fashionable for its cider houses, which served cider on tap and by the glass.