Sagardoaren lurraldea

Cider Revolution. Your DIY guide to cider & pét-nat


In Cider Revolution! Mikael and Karl seek to pass on their passion for cider and inspire others to try brewing their own. With just a little creativity, minimal fuss and only a few basic pieces of equipament you can make delicious drinks at home. As well as letting us in on the secrets of natural fermentation, they give recipes for cider and pet-nats and look at the range of seasonal fruits that can be used, including pears, cherries, plums, and berries, as well as apples. The ideal book for cider fans or anyone looking to dip into home brewing.


  • Autor: Mikael Nypelius eta Karl sjöström
  • Fecha: 2021
  • Clasificación: 2.1. Sidra
  • Tipo documento: Libros
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea Fondoa
  • Signatura: L165
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  • Código: BO-000220