Sagardoaren lurraldea

How to Eat (and Drink) Your Way Around the Basque Country


Boasting an abundance of everything from rustic country fare and delectable "pintxos" to multi-Michelin-starred marvels, northern Spain's Basque Country is the stuff of foodie dreams. Here's how to eat and sip your way through the very best of the best. Immerse Yourself in the Heart of the Basque Country As the capital city and ...

astigarraga sidrería petritegi sidra sidrería txotx temporada del txotx


  • Fuente: Into the Blue | Ryanair Travel Blog
  • Fecha: 2017-03-21
  • Clasificación: 2.0. Sidrería
  • Tipo documento: Blogs
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea Fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-007329

Texto completo

Talking of the Basque Country’s famous cider…

Apple trees grow in abundance across the north of Spain and have been put to good use at “sagardotegis” (cider houses) since the 11th century.
“The owners of the cider houses would invite their neighbours over for lunch and to try out their cider,” my guide told me, “and now it’s an important tradition for the Basques.”

Today locals head to their favourite sagardotegis by the busload. And with unlimited cider on offer it’s easy to see why! Basque cider is natural and much sharper and cloudier than English cider. Another key difference is the way in which it is served. Giant barrels rest in cool chambers where staff shout “Txotx!” to let you know they are about to open the tap. You get in line with your glass ready to fill it about half full and drink it in one while it is still bubbling and “alive”. It’s worth spending a moment to observe how the locals do it before trying it yourself, but don’t be shy or you’ll miss out.

And because most sagardotegis are owned by farmers, eating is also an important element of the experience. The cavernous dining halls are filled with long wooden benches where whole families, couples, grandparents and large groups of friends sit shoulder-to-shoulder. Traditionally, the menu is fixed.

At around just €25/30 per person for the entire feast (including unlimited cider), eating at a sagardotegi offers outstanding value for money. There are countless cider houses throughout the Basque Country, but I can highly recommend the Petritegi sagardotegi, located in the countryside about 7 km outside of San Sebastian.