Sagardoaren lurraldea

Donostia - San Sebastián: segunda parte


Sidra / Donostia / rito del txotx / sidrería / menú de sidrería

ocio donostia sidra sidrería txotx


  • Fuente:
  • Fecha: 2011-06-04
  • Clasificación: 2.0. Sidrería
  • Tipo documento: Prensa
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-006153

Texto completo

TXOTX! Luckily, we were in San Seb at the very end of cider season. For just a few months of the year (something like late January through late April), the cider houses open up and let people drink cider straight from the barrel. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to participate in this tradition. We chose to visit Sidras Zelaia, which is run by one family, father, mother and daughter. As you enter, you first walk into the main dining hall. But we wondered where everyone else was. Of course, they were all just a few steps away, in the next room, the barrel room. Muhsings from our not-so-secret plans for total and complete global p0wnag3. 1 de 8 09/02/2015 15:06 We were a little unsure of where to go and what to do, but they showed us to our table and we were free to try as much cider as we wanted. They started us off with some bread and chorizo cooked in cider. Then it was time to hit the cider room, which we returned to between each course, and sometimes as well as midway through a course. Next course was a massive cod omelet. Trust me, these hearty portions are necessary for keeping relatively sober. Plus, I don't think they know how to make small portions. Shuminez World Domination: San Sebastian: Part 2 And finally the main course. Steak cooked over open flames. It's hard to see in the picture, but it was a massive chunk of meat. And when our server brought it, instead of saying something like "enjoy" or "bon appetit," he simply said,"you want more meat, tell me." We did not ask for seconds, but someone did a pretty good job of cleaning the bone. And here's a good idea of how the dining hall filled up. It was literally a full house. It's apparently the thing to do in town, with family and/or buddies. And a look at the little wooden stopper used to keep the cider in the barrels. We finished up the night with some dessert: cheese, apple jelly, cookies and a basket of whole walnuts. Yes, we heart San Seb. The cider house was definitely one of the highlights. Best cider ever! (Don't mind the double-chin. It was just a funny angle, I swear.)