Sagardoaren lurraldea

La ira de las uvas: la sidra Sarasola sagardoa


Sidra / marca / Sarasola sagardoa / Boston / degustación de sidra / The Wine Bottega / características de la sidra

boston degustación marca sidra sidrería sarasola the wine bottega


  • Fuente:
  • Fecha: 2013-10-16
  • Clasificación: 5.8. Otros
  • Tipo documento: Prensa
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-004339

Texto completo

There’s an incredible wine store in the North End of Boston by the name of The Wine Bottega. At some point I need to dedicate at least one post in entirety to their complete and utter awesomeness. Every Friday they have great, and free, tastings. Often I am working these evenings, but my husband who works in the city attends them regularly. He ventures in and usually comes home with an armful of purchases and discoveries. This past Friday was a cider tasting. One of our purchases was this bottle of apple cider from Basque country in Asteausu Giupúzcoa Spain. Infinitely drinkable, it also challenges you. Funky undertones like sea salt that still has some seaweed attached to it wave hello from underneath its pithy exterior. Did I just peel a Meyer lemon? Citrus oils still hanging in the air and apparent salinity watering the palate the idea of apple arrives. Under ripe honey crisp with the skin still on, unsalted almonds and oregano for the finale.….What? This cider is confusing in a wonderful way. Drinking this reminds me of the first time I enjoyed Movia Lunar and the more I think about it reminds me of the spectrum of flavor I’ve experienced in orange wines. Versatile and engaging, dry and bright with acidity, it’ll cut through the richness of charcuterie or fatty meats. I could also see it pairing well with seafood and earthy vegetables. I haven’t been this excited about a cider since Eric Bordelet’s Poire. Find it, get it, try it, explore. And if you feel like it, let me know what you discover.