Sagardoaren lurraldea

¡La temporada de sidra comienza ya!


Sidra / temporada txotx / Astigarraga / sidrería

astigarraga sidra sidrería temporada del txotx


  • Fuente: Blan palate
  • Fecha: 2012-07-25
  • Clasificación: 2.4. Txotx
  • Tipo documento: Prensa
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-003587

Texto completo

It's that time again...January in the Basque country means CIDER. Sagardo. Sidra. We ventured into the countryside of Astigarraga this weekend to taste the year's offerings. The txotx was placed into the barrels, and the cider began to flow. Each barrel was different, each named after a distinct mountain, and the cider ranged from extra-acidic, to sweet, to slightly soso, to one with a faint sulfuric scent. It's a good time of year. The cold air, the walk down a dark country road to the ciderhouse practically glowing with warmth and the scent of grilled steak. Cosy inside. A good time of year, indeed.