Sagardoaren lurraldea

Punto de vista de un principiante en una sidrería


Sidrería / Navarra / turismo / txotx denboraldia / gastronomía

gastronomía navarra sidrería turismo temporada del txotx


  • Fecha: 2013-04-08
  • Clasificación: 2.0. Sidrería
  • Tipo documento: Prensa
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-003014

Texto completo

This coming weekend I head to Navarra for #ruraltrip, an initiative to highlight all that Navarra has to offer visitors. One thing I am really hoping is on the itinerary? A cider house. Today Marti Kilpatrick of the fantastic food blog Blank Palate shares with us a bit about Springtime institution that is the Basque cider house. Luckily, the cider house season run through May, so you still have time to go north and experience one of Spain’s best food trips for Spring.