Sagardoaren lurraldea

Temporada de la sidra ... es ahora!


Sidra / temporada del txotx / sidrería / cultura de la sidra / menú sidrería

cultura sidra sidrería temporada del txotx


  • Fuente: BASQUE STAGE
  • Fecha: 2013-02-08
  • Clasificación: 2.4. Txotx
  • Tipo documento: Prensa
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-002637

Texto completo

Cider Season…It’s Now! Why is that guy so happy? That guy is Clifton Su, Sammic Rising Stars Scholar, and he is happy because he is surrounded by…cider. Not just any cider: Basque cider. Okay, and maybe this gigantic hunk of steak has something to do with it, too. If you’ve never been to a Basque ciderhouse, you are missing out on a revered tradition, one that has a place in the heart of everyone from teenagers to octogenarians in Basque Country. Every year, starting in December, the cold air brings with it the urge to taste the season’s first cider. So Basques everywhere make the trek to their nearest cidermaker, where as tradition mandates, they drink all the cider they want and partake in the traditional meal. The meal typically starts with a cod tortilla, followed by cod with peppers, and finished off with that steak you saw above. And always punctuated with frequent breaks for cool, yellow-green cider. Hence the happy faces. Seasonality at its best.