Txotx/ Espicha As in Asturias, cider is part of the culture, gastronomy and way of living in the Basque Country. This leads to the celebration of important international fairs such as the International Hall of Gala Ciders in Gijon and the Sagardo Forum in Guipuzcoa.
astigarraga asturias feria donostia jornadas concurso concurso internacional de sidra sagardo forum sidra premiado
- Fecha: 2021-11-22
- Clasificación: 5.7. Formación
- Tipo documento: Prensa
- Fondo: Sagardoetxea fondoa »
- Código: NA-014446
Texto completo
As in Asturias, cider is part of the culture, gastronomy and way of living in the Basque Country. This leads to the celebration of important international fairs such as the International Hall of Gala Ciders in Gijon and the Sagardo Forum in Guipuzcoa.
Every second year, the Sagardo Forum brings together the most relevant professionals from diverse disciplines related to cider. Without a doubt, it is an excellent opportunity to share and grasp from other experiences and business trajectories about cider. A perfect space to analyse the current situation, as well as see forthcoming trends and promotion opportunities.
Organised by Sagardoaren Lurraldea under the motto “Cider and nature, connecting territories”, the IV SAGARDO FORUM took place from 18th-21th November 2021 at Erribera Kulturgunea (Astigarraga) and Kursaal Congress Center (Donostia-San Sebastian).
This edition included the following programme:
TECHNICAL TALKS- Conferences regarding apple culture and cultivation, business opportunities in the cider world and tasting of its products, as well as about cider and tourism.
III INTERNATIONAL CIDER COMPETITION- The competition took place on November 19th and 20th, 2021 in Astigarraga (Erribera Kulturgunea.
II INTERNATIONAL CIDER FAIR- It was held from November 20th to 21st, 2021 at the Kursaal Congress Center in Donostia – San Sebastián. It was aimed at the general public and professionals.