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Full Juice Magazine - Spring 2020


Without exaggeration, I’d say this is the most important issue of Full Juice we are likely to publish. Here’s where we enable you guys to help save the craft cider industry. Coronavirus has hit craft producers in every sphere hard. Anyone who counted on the hospitality trade for their custom has been left winded. I hate clichés, but the rug being pulled from under one’s feet is an apt one. As a small producer who was beginning to make connections with pubs and restaurants, building our future on those liaisons, and planning on opening a tasting room, it’s time to rethink. On a major scale. And we’re certainly not alone. But unlike even five years ago, today we have the technology. The champions. And You!

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  • Autor: Susanna Forbes
  • Fuente: Full Juice
  • Fecha: 2020-05-01
  • Clasificación: 2.1. Sidra
  • Tipo documento: Revistas
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea Fondoa
  • »
  • Código: NA-012150

Texto completo

First up, crucial cider advocate Dick Withecombe. Best known as the founder of Manchester’s much loved – and copied – Cider Club with partner Cath Potter, he curated the vital Cider Supplier map you’ll find within. This forms part of the much appreciated – and needed – Pulling Together campaign launched by CAMRA. Here’s where you can find the producers selling direct, the suppliers reorienting themselves to sell to consumers, and the plucky pubs and bottle shops staying open or offering direct delivery. Here’s where we hope you find ciders – and perries – you’d like to buy.

This spread also symbolises the changes we have brought about with this issue. Most obviously, we’re online! We’ll return to print when our friends in are back able to open their doors again. Meanwhile, we fast forwarded our digital plans, guided by our dynamic designer, Laura, and what you see is the result.

The content has had a rethink too. We’re thrilled to welcome three new voices to the Full Juice family.

Alongside Dick, meet James Finch, aka the Cider Critic and one of the country’s foremost bloggers and vloggers, as he shares his top 10 online experiences. To accompany Bill Bradshaw’s inspirational pen portrait of cider Down Under, our overseas pages sees Adam Wells, one of our most talented new cider writers, share his fresh snapshot of the Basque Country.

Our news inevitably has a different feel. Events of the virtual kind accompany notes on forthcoming cider releases, news of northerly cider producers, and a call to glasses for Gabe Cook’s global cider tasting on 2 May.

Some things haven’t changed. Our keynote feature is unmissable, this time coming from the ever-eloquent Gabe. Written before the pandemic struck, it’s even more relevant now. Orchards are places of solace and creativity as much as they are purely fields of apples. Biodiversity and community are the immediate winners, but we all gain.

Bill travels to the source with our chosen apple, Yarlington Mill. Pre-coronavirus, I had the good fortune to sit down with Ann and Norman Stanier, custodians and creators of one of the world’s finest apple collections, Dragon Orchard. And Gabe unravels the intricacies of what makes naturally sparkling cider so divine.

Finally, our back cover closes the issue not with an ad but a beautiful picture from Bill, of green shoots peeping through rich, dark soil. We have the chance to emerge from this battle stronger, with better links between producer and consumer, with new tastes under our belts, a fresh wishlist of who to track down, and more insight all round. Let’s embed this greater connectivity into our cider world now and in the future. And Full Juice will stay online, to help inspire and guide.

Thank YOU for making the survival of craft cider possible. Wassail!