Sagardoaren lurraldea

V. Sagardo Forum 2023: Revista (ENG)


Revista en inglés que recoge todo lo sucedido después del V. Sagardo Forum 2023.

astigarraga cider week jornada técnica jornadas feria internacional de sidra concurso internacional de sidra sagardo forum sidra manzana turismo


  • Fecha: 2023-12-15
  • Clasificación: 5.7. Formación
  • Tipo documento: Documentos de la actualidad
  • Fondo: Sagardoetxea Museoa
  • »
  • Código: DO-003489

Texto completo

Cider houses from 19 countries have participated in the IV Sagardo Forum International Cider Competition. In total, 262 products have been presented in nine categories. In the afternoon of November 30, 37 national and international judges tasted and rated the ciders at the Kursaal Conference Center. In teams, they evaluated the ciders and awarded the medals for each category. They gave 202 medals: 59 gold, 67 silver and 76 bronze. Likewise, they chose the best of the competition among those who won the gold medal. The Best of Show award went to the Replicant Pinot Noir cider, from the Swedish producer Pomologik.